Real estate owners
The legal regulations on radon protection affect all buildings with recreation rooms or workplaces in the basement or first floor, such as apartments, offices, stores or hotel and pension rooms, wellness facilities and vacation homes.
In radon precautionary areas, special protection requirements have applied since 2021: If a reference value of 300 becquerels per cubic meter of room air is exceeded, measures to reduce the concentration must be initiated (§ 128 StrlSchG).
Leading experts from the WHO, the Federal Office for Radiation Protection and the Federal Environment Agency even advocate a reference value of only 100 becquerels per cubic meter.

Check the radon levels in your properties at an early stage, proof of which will be mandatory for commercial property owners. Missing or too high measured values can lead to a considerable loss of value when selling or to claims for damages.
In addition, there are considerable risks to your return on investment if private or commercial rents are reduced or withheld until the radon contamination or remediation has been clarified.